When Diets Go Horribly Wrong

When Diets Go Horribly Wrong


If you’ve ever gone on a diet in the hopes of slimming down, you know that it takes time, dedication, and patience to accomplish your goals. But while most people experience at least some success, some unfortunate individuals have had their weight loss attempts turn into catastrophic fails. Read on to learn about some extreme dieting experiences, and why it’s important to talk to your doctor before you begin.

Cleansing fails

In the last few years, cleanses and detoxes have surged in popularity, claiming to rid the body of toxins and shed you of unwanted pounds. While experts claim that detoxing can be beneficial, it can also go horribly wrong. One example is the Master Cleanse which involves drinking a mixture of cayenne, maple syrup, and lemon juice for 10 days. While this trendy diet may seem harmless, it can be dangerous to practice without consulting a doctor or nutritionist first, as substantial weight gain is possible, due to possible electrolyte imbalance.

Fad diets

In addition to cleanses, there are other fad diets that inspire rapid weight loss, although some of them can be very harmful. Some fad diets include the cabbage soup diet and the grapefruit diet. These diets can potentially cause dehydration, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and extreme fatigue. Some also involve very low caloric intake, and while the weight loss may be drastic in the short-term, it’s important to note that this type of dieting is not sustainable, resulting in a yo-yo effect.

Surgery Too Soon

Another recipe for disaster is considering drastic medical options like bariatric surgery when you’re not qualified to have it. Candidates for surgical weight loss should meet certain body mass index (BMI) guidelines, as determined after consultation with a doctor and nutritionist. While some individuals bypass the “proper” process and opt to have surgery instead, this can be a huge mistake. For individuals who are considered too young or too thin are at risk for post-surgical deficiencies, due to an inability to have a reconstructed stomach that holds enough food.


From extreme cleanses to surgery that’s done too soon, these dieting fails are examples of why it’s so important to consult a doctor and/or nutritionist before starting any new diet. Taking the time to do this will provide you with the guidance you need to find an appropriate plan that works for you, so you can avoid these common, yet dangerous dieting mistakes.